Thursday, June 13, 2013

Any day now!

We're getting closer and closer! This baby could literally arrive any day now! I had my 38 week doctor's appointment this past Monday and it couldn't have gone better. Still measuring right on track, everything is progressing, baby's heartbeat has slowed down some (which is good!) and is now in the 130's and I even lost a little bit of weight! 

It's hard to imagine that after 9 long months, we could be meeting this little one anytime. It's been a long nine months, but at the same time, they've flown by. Looking back, I would have to say that this pregnancy has been pretty easy over all and I was blessed with no complications. I've come to really treasure the moments when I can feel Baby Z kicking and moving inside of me, even when they are a little painful! And although I'm ready to hold this little one in my arms, I'm going to miss those kicks! 

This has also been my last week at work before I take my leave. This week I've been feeling pretty anxious about the baby coming, but not necessarily because of the fact that the baby is coming. Austin has been having some car problems and not always being able to start his car! So I think I was worried that the baby would come while I was at work and Austin wouldn't be able to make it to the hospital right away! Hopefully next week I'll be able to relax at bit at home, with Austin, and wait for the baby to come! I have to admit though that I'm ready to be done working. I have a hard time concentrating on anything and it just gets pretty uncomfortable sitting at my desk all day. The fact that I'll be leaving UNO for good hasn't really hit yet. I'm too distracted with the pregnancy that I don't think it's hit me that I won't be returning to work. But when it does, that's really going to be hard. 

Otherwise, life has been pretty boring. We're just slowly getting things packed up but mostly just anxiously waiting for the baby! The next post I make will probably be after the baby comes! Exciting times! :)