Monday, March 14, 2011

Giving Something Up for Lent

For Lent this year, I've decided to give up pop. This is a pretty big thing for me considering I was drinking at least one can of pop every day. But as I was deciding on what to give up, I'm not sure I made my decision on the correct reasons. For me, I wanted to give up pop because I know I drink it too much and I want to be healthier. But is it right for me to use Lent as the vehicle to give up pop? I'm not sure...

I could reason it out if I really wanted to... every time I want to reach for a pop, I remember I can't and I then remember to focus upon my sacrifice compared to Jesus' sacrifice. And that then I can be thankful for His sacrifice and that He gave His life so that I could have eternal life. But do I go through that thought process every time I want to drink pop? No. I think about how much I just want one drink of pop! 

So, I decided I needed to do a little bit of research on why people give things up for Lent... and this is what I found...

(from this page)
The tradition to give something up for Lent is actually derived from fasting (following Christ's example of fasting for 40 days in the desert) and it's generally something that we either do a lot of or that we find pleasure in. There are a couple of different reasons why this is done:
  • as a disciple for learning self-control, to free our minds from the chase after material things, to tell ourselves "no" and make it stick
  • to identify with Christ's sufferings and remember what the true pleasures are for followers of Christ
  • as an act of sorrow over our wrongdoings and our state of sin
 This website also says that "sometimes we don't notice how certain things we do have gained power over us and dictate our actions. In Lent fasts, we discover these things and give them up so that God can be in charge. Franciscans use the term 'detachment': the less that 'stuff' preoccupies your life, the more room there is for God, as well as for yourself and for other people."

I really like these explanations. They're easy to understand and simple. And that's what Lent is - about simplifying life and allowing room for God. The more room we have for God, the greater relationship we can have with God, with ourselves and with others. I think that these reasons get lost in the midst of everything else in life. So it's good to be reminded of them. 

It's also common for people to start doing something for Lent. I've also decided to try doing just that this year by reading a devotional or the Bible everyday. Like I mentioned in a previous blog, I get a Lenten devotional emailed to me daily but I've also gotten some new books to start reading. I'm really hoping to start diving in my relationship with God and learning how to strengthen it. And I'm also hoping to dive into my marriage and how God can be a bigger part of that. 

These are my hopes for Lent. Giving up pop may not seem like a huge life difference, and maybe it's not. But I hope that I will think about all the reasons behind Lent every time I want a drink of pop. And maybe it'll help me simplify my life in other ways. And most importantly, I hope it will allow more room for God. Because above all else, He is what matters the most.

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