Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Four Month Check Up

I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to update the blog... even though I've had a lot to say. Or a lot that I could say. Or want to say. :) But between a baby, starting a new job and life, things get put to the back burner. But I did want to do a quick update after Jacob's four month check up! So here we go! 

Jacob is still a "perfect" baby. Meaning, his numbers are all looking great. Although I'd argue he's perfect in all ways! :) He weighed in at a whopping 17lbs 11oz! At four months!! His cousin weighed around 17lbs at 9 months! So I'd say he's getting well fed! Ha! His weight is in the 86 percentile. He's 25 inches long, 38% and his head is 17 inches, 87%. He's had a bit of a cold for a while and so the doctor showed us how to properly clean out his nose and man, did he have a lot of snot up in that little nose of his! And Jacob was not a fan of having his nose suctioned out! haha He screamed pretty hard, but he can breath so much easier now! He still has a bit of a cough and hopefully that gets better soon. He also got his four month shots and these were a lot better than at 2 months. For one, Daddy got to help hold him down so Mommy didn't have to! But he didn't cry nearly as much, maybe he was still traumatized from the nose suctioning! 

The doctor also gave us the go ahead to start some rice cereal! So at his evening meal, we add a tablespoon of rice cereal in with some milk, so not a lot. But we feed it with a spoon, which is a messy ordeal! But he'll get the hang of it soon! I was hesitant to want to start with the rice cereal and when Austin asked me why, I confessed it's because I feel Jacob is growing up too fast and I want it to stop! :) But I know that just can't happen.

Jacob is becoming more and more fun to interact and play with every day. He is still a little talker, telling stories to whoever will listen! Although sometimes he picks some very inopportune times... like 5:30am! But it's a lot of cooing, blowing bubbles and raspberries, and a lot of vowels sounds. It's so fun listening to him try and communicate! He also loves to be upright. He hasn't figured out his balance yet to sit by himself, but he's working hard at it. Sometimes he'll get it for a second or two before tumbling over! He also LOVES to stand! He, of course, can't do this by himself yet either but has the leg strength to stand up and even help himself stand up. He just squeals whenever you let him stand. 

He still loves mirrors - he'll just look, smile and talk to himself in that mirror all day long! He also has really gotten the hang of grabbing toys and blankets. Before he would just hold his arms out and try to grab things by putting his arms together but now he knows how to reach out and grab hold with his hands. And he's grabbing all sorts of toys and bringing them to his mouth. The doctor said he was starting to teethe! Nothing through yet but it might not be long! So he just loves playing with all his different toys. And he's really figured some of them out too, pulling on certain ones that vibrate or make noise. He also has this spinning ball toy, one on each his activity chair and activity table that he knows how to spin and play with. I just love watching him as he learns and figures all of these things out. 

He's also still great at rolling. He'll roll to his sides a lot when he's playing on his back. During tummy time, he'll roll to his back a lot quicker. He still isn't always a big fan of tummy time, especially when we try to keep him from rolling to help strength those muscles and maybe start moving towards crawling! He's also found his feet. Putting them up in the air and grabbing on to them, or trying to grab them and then trying to put them in his mouth. He hasn't figured out if he can actually do that yet or not. 

And Jacob still gives the best, award winning smiles that can just melt your heart! I love picking him up at daycare and once he sees me, he just gets this huge smile on his face! Or when he hears his dad talk, he'll just smile and smile! No matter what else is going on, his smiles always make me smile. 

So that's about it for a Jacob update! And that's about all I have time for right now! Hopefully more soon! 

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