Wednesday, March 18, 2020

COVID-19 March 18, 2020

I saw this quote on Twitter yesterday
Every day represents a day like we’ve never had before. 
It could not be more true. When the conversations first started about the possibility of social distancing and isolation and self-quarantines, much of the talk seemed to be around "this is a time to slow down". What a perfect time to reconnect with your family, call up friends you haven't talked to in a while, play some board games, read some books, enjoy the outdoors. A chance to be still in God's presence and connect with Him. 

It sounded almost glamorous. A welcomed retreat from the world. An opportunity to breathe. And I was looking forward to being able to have this type of experience. 

But in reality? While so much has halted, I have never felt busier at my job. I have never felt so frazzled and overwhelmed with information coming at me from every direction.  I've never felt such an urgency to make sure I'm doing the right and best thing for Jacob. 

Suddenly, in addition to my own work, I feel obligated to collect as much information/resources as possible to provide Jacob over the next few weeks. (Please know, that I am extremely grateful for all of the resources that are being provide online and by our amazing teachers!!) I need to find him a place at the house where he can do some of his school work and activities. I need to clean my house! Because now that we're suddenly going to be spending a ton of time, I realize just how dirty and messy it is. I feel the need to put a schedule into place for Jacob, to limit his screen time, to keep him busy but with purposeful and meaningful activities. 

"This is fine."
While the Y has closed its doors temporarily, the job has not stopped. Communication to our members has never been more important. Creating resources to manage the chaos is essential. Creating resources to stay engaged with our members needs to happen right now. And every day, we have more questions and no answers. The situation is so fluid. 

I try to take some small comfort in knowing that literally everyone else is having the same sort of struggles. I try to remind myself that this is not a time for judgement but a time for grace. Grace for myself, grace for others. 

"Into the unknown!!!"
We are all, quite literally, heading into the unknown. And so, let's do this together. Let's be supportive of each other. Let's not judge each other. Let's show each other love and kindness. 

And while there is much fear and worry of what happens next, we must remember that God is with us. He is always here. And He will provide comfort. 

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